
Welcome to STEM Synergy


STEM Synergy is a US-based non-profit organization with  501(C) (3) tax exempt status from IRS. The organization promotes STEM education ,technology transfer and social enterprises that benefit youth and women through hands-on technologies and innovation that solve   real problems of the society.

Poverty and backwardness are the major challenges of Africa/Ethiopia. Foreign aid is not a sustainable way to solve the problems. STEM Synergy is a nonprofit that takes a business approach to reduce poverty.

We believe in promoting affordable and scalable innovation and technologies to solve the basic economic needs of the poor mainly in agriculture , energy and climate in a sustainable way

 OUR solution 

 USE OF innovation and technology TO fight POVERTY

Short-term humanitarian aid to help poor people is usually not enough to lift them out of the cycle of poverty. Poverty alleviation is  a long-term strategy that should  lead to self-reliance and sustainability. Technology and innovation are the best weapons to fight poverty and break the cycle of individual and societal  poverty in Africa.  Africa's backwardness or  poverty is somehow attributed to shortage of better skilled workforce in the STEM fields in the continent.


Two people standing next to a wall with bags of luggage.
GE and STEM Synergy partnering to award the Ethiopian National Science Fair Finalists
A group of people standing around talking to each other.
Dr. Nate, STEM Synergy Board Chair visiting and asking a winner about her winning project
A group of people standing around each other.
Ten Outstanding college girls awarded laptops for their innovative STEM projects
Two men standing at a podium in front of an audience.
Dr. Birhanue Nega, Minister of Edcuation for the Federal Democratic Ethiopia Speaking at the 2021 National Science Fair Day
A group of people standing around in front of some boxes.



Why does promoting  STEM education matter for Ethiopia?

Millions of Ethiopian youth are unemployed. Millions more will remain unemployed if we left to prepare the youth with STEM fields which are the much-needed marketable skills for the future . Thus we need to plan and prepare the future workforce now. International organizations, governments, and private industries need to partner to inspire and empower the youth to unleash their potential for national growth and development. 

We believe in the youth’s power to bring sustainable development. We need to be enabler and  train and retrain them so that they are empowered to: 

1. Fight poverty and transform their lives and their communities

2. Prepare themselves to create jobs and/ or businesses and reduce the skyrocketing rate of youth unemployment.  

3. Provide them with career exploration opportunities and let them see what real-world jobs look and feel like

4. Provide economic opportunities for them to build their livelihoods.

5. Inspire their minds to innovate and solve a societal problem. Encourage them to study science and technology in order to build the STEM pipeline. 

Hands-on lab-based STEM education emphasizes real-world problem-solving, creativity, and skill-building — all factors that enable youthful brainpower to engineer their homeland out of stubborn poverty.

5. Contribute their share for national economic growth and development.

6. Enhance their deep and true understanding of their environment and life in general so that they come up with innovative and out-of-the-box solutions for their communities.


Major Achievements in the last few years 

A group of people standing in front of a table.
A group of people standing in front of a table.
A man holding a laptop next to another man.
A group of people standing around talking to each other.
A group of people standing around in front of some boxes.
Two men standing at a podium in front of an audience.
A group of people standing in front of a table.
A group of people standing around in front of a blue box.
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