Our Work
STEM Synergy manages several programs to stimulates students love for Science, Technology , Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Please click the links below to learn about our programs
In STEM Center labs, students gain in-depth enrichment, beyond their regular schoolwork. Experienced mentors guide the students to design-build experiments, circuitry, and practical machines.

Science fairs give students the opportunity to showcase creative skills. Local science fairs are run in STEM Centers and schools. Local winners go on to compete in the National Science Fair.

Science Museums inspire in youth the wonder of STEM. Our interactive hands-on displays provide an informal learning for entire families.

During the idle summer break, Ethiopia's 31 universities run a STEM Outreach Program. Each university's facilities transform to a virtual STEM center. 10,000+ students benefit each year.

Virtual computer labs are excellent high-school computing facilities, without the financial & environmental costs of traditional computer labs. A single computer seamlessly operates up to 30 student workstations.

Each Shared Science Campus is a city-wide municipal high school for area high-achieving students. Chosen by merit, ~60% of the students are females.

STEM Synergy at work: Some examples
Foka STEM Center
Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Foka STEM Center is the main incubation center of STEM Synergy in Ethiopia. It is almost the mother of all the centers in the country. All the STEM Centers are born from it. It is the training ground of STEM teachers. It is equipped with high-quality STEM education equipment and is staffed with highly trained experts.It continues to be a source of inspiration for new programs and initiatives throughout Ethiopia by providing diverse experiential learning opportunities.
STEM Synergy conceived of, designed, built, and supports Foka and 17 more STEM Centers in East Africa.

Addis Ababa Science Museum
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Located on the campus of Addis Ababa Science Technology University (AASTU), the Science Museum at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASM) offers access to interactive exhibits that encourage visitors to engage independently with both familiar and novel subject matter. This solidifies previously gained knowledge while inspiring visitors young and old to explore unfamiliar topics more readily.
STEM Synergy conceived of, designed, and built this facility, along with 2 more under construction.
Ethiopian National Science Fair
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This event held every year on World Science Day highlights the growing STEM reach throughout the vast nation, bringing together students from all regions.
STEM Synergy coordinates the many local science fairs, then arranges the logistics to bring the local winning students&projects to the National science fair.